2022 Tax Season Updates

IRS Balance Due Notices

We can confirm that taxpayers subject to the 2022 filing and payment postponement have until October 16, 2023 to file and pay your balance due.

If you live in California and are subject to the federally declared disaster due to the rain, wind and flooding, the postponement applies to you. And this postponement applies to almost all California residents. See below for further details.

Beginning in the first week of June 2022, taxpayers have been receiving an IRS notice listing their balance due and stating a full payment is due by June 26, 2023.  This is inaccurate.

We have confirmed the inaccuracy of the payment due date on this notice with our contacts at IRS and you can find an announcement on the IRS website here.

And you can read an article from the San Francisco Chronicle here.

There is no need to contact the IRS. As always, we recommend you send us a copy of the notice; however, be assured that you will not be subject to any additional penalty or interest as long as you file pay your balance due by the postponed deadline.


IRS & CA Franchise Tax Board Postponement of Due Dates

Due to one of four disaster declarations in California in early 2022, IRS announced on February 24, 2023 that most tax fining and payment due dates for most California residents (all who live in California except those living in Shasta, Lassen and Modoc counties) has been postponed until October 16, 2023. For details of the IRS extension click here.

For details of the California Franchise Tax Board due date postponement click here.

The IRS and CA FTB due date postponement applies to almost all tax filing and payment due dates which are normally due between January 1, 2023 and October 16, 2023.

If your tax return is prepared by a tax preparer in an area subject to one of these disaster declarations, the IRS postponement is also applicable to you even though you do not live in an area subject to one of the disaster declarations. If you live outside the area covered by this disaster declaration and we are preparing your 2022 tax return, you should call IRS at 1-866-562-5227 and tell them you’d like relief under because your tax preparer is in an area affected by a declared disaster and provide IRS with the FEMA Disaster Code DR-4683-CA. IRS will then provide you with a PIN to verify your will be covered.

Note that states other than California, Georgia and Mississippi are not subject to a disaster declaration, so other state tax returns are still due on their regular due dates.  As a result, our clients who have a state filing requirement in any other state are a priority for us to complete by 4/18/23 which may delay the completion of other tax returns if you do not have a filing deadline on 4/18/23.


Update on taxation of your California Middle Class Tax Refund (and other similar state payments).

California issued payments to many California taxpayers in late 2022 and into January 2023. These payments are not taxable for California income tax purposes. On February 10, 2023, IRS announced they will not challenge the taxability of these tax payments in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. For details click on the link to the IRS announcement here.


The 2022 tax season is now underway.

We are accepting a limited number of new clients as referrals from our existing clients if they are willing to file an extension of time to file for the 2022 tax season.