S-Corp, LLC, Partnership or Sole Owner
Starting and operating a small business involves many challenges. Why attempt to became a bookkeeper, accountant and tax preparer given all the demands you have on you to grow your business?
Adaptax can you make better tax-advantaged decisions including:
- What is the best choice of business entity for me?
- Should I use the cash or accrual method of accounting?
- Do I have an employee or contractor?
- Is it better to lease or buy my car?
- How do I depreciate my equipment?
- Should the business own my car or should I?
- What is a franchise tax?
- What is required to conduct business in another state?
- Can I operate the business under more than one name?
Businesses need specialized tax, financial and accounting services. Small and closely held businesses have unique challenges and opportunities which can best be addressed with the assistance of a professional, such as one from Adaptax.
Adaptax specializes in the accounting and tax services needed by small, closely held corporations such as S-Corporations (S-Corps) and C-Corporations, as well as, Limited Liability Companies (LLC) which are actually typically taxed as a partnership.
Call us for help with these questions and the many others you are bound to have.